NOTE: As new part numbers become available they will be added to the website periodically. At this time there are no valve plates available for re sale on delta reed models only.
Crankcase Heater 4R, 4D, 6R, 6D 120V | HTR-1526 |
Crankcase Heater 4R, 4D, 6R, 6D 240V | HTR-1522 |
Crankcase Heater 4R, 4D, 6R, 6D 460V | HTR-1524 |
Crankcase Heater 6D, 6R, 8D, 8R 120V Deep Sump | 3431 |
Crankcase Heater 6D, 6R, 8D, 8R 240V Deep Sump | 3432 |
Unloader Stem | VAL-1500 |
Unloader Coil-120V | COL-0120 |
Unloader Coil-240V | COL-0240 |
Kriwan Module 120V/240V (for Copeland) | INT-369R |
Terminal Accessory Kit-External 4R-6R | 5017 |
Mounting Kit 4D-6R 20-30 Ton W/Flat Pan | 360 |
Mounting Kit 6D & 6R 35 Ton W/Flat Pan | 362 |
Mounting Kit 6D-8R 30-60 Ton W/Deep Sump | 363 |
Terminal Board Assy. 4R-8D | ASSY-1582 |
Terminal Bd. Repair Kit 4R-8D (9/4 LDS) | KIT-1582 |
Terminal Bd Repair Kit 9R ( 3 Main 2 O/L Leads) | KIT-1576 |
Terminal Bd ASSY 9R ( 3 Main 2 O/L Leads) | ASSY-1576 |
Terminal Bd Assy 3 Lead Flat- 3D 10 ton and above | ASSY-1577 |
Oil Pump-Copeland Sentronic | PMP-1515 |
Valve Plate MRF & MRH | PLT-1517 |
Valve Plate MRA | PLT-1523 |
Valve Plate MRB | PLT-1550 |
Valve Plate 9RA-9RC-9RP-9RS, (except 9RS1) 7.5, 10 HP | PLT-1508 |
Valve Plate 9RB, 9RJ 5, 7.5 HP | PLT-1509 |
Valve Plate 9RS1, 9RT | PLT-1545 |
Valve Plate 4RA-1000, 6RA-2000 | PLT-1500 |
Valve Plate 4RH, 4RH-1500 | PLT-1551 |
Valve Plate 4RH, 4RK-1500, 6RH, 6RK-2500 | PLT-1551 |
Valve Plate 4RL & 6RL | CP-49 |
Valve Plate 4R-2000, 6R-3000 | PLT-1552 |
Valve Plate 4RR, 6RJ, 6RR | PLT-1560 |
Gasket Kit MR | KIT-1525 |
Gasket Kit 9R | KIT-1530 |
Gasket Kit 4R & 6R | KIT-1535 |
Gasket Kit 4RJ & 6RJ | KIT-1540 |
Gasket 4D & 6D | KIT-1537 |
Gasket Kit 8D | KIT-1587 |
Gasket Kit 8R | KIT-1585 |